Hippo SSG

Hippo is a static website generator written in Deno, and uses a radically new approach to static site generators.

It does not have a folder with the content and a folder with the website, the website itself is the content.

It does not use any markup language, instead it uses HTML pages.

Think of Hippo as a website editor.

It will fetch the meta tags from the page header for variables such as author, date, tags, etc.

And it will consider the main tag as the content of the page.

When writing or editing a post, it will only bring this information to the text editor.

When building the website, it will combine the content of the page with the content of the chosen theme for each page, in addition to automatically generating the pages associated with each previously defined taxonomy.

Hippo never touches the content of a post, or the variables defined in the page head.

The rest of the HTML page is generated according to the theme, and the user's menu and footer settings.

Themes are divided into a plugin (which applies the necessary transformations to the variables and defines the taxonomies) and a single file template (written in HTML) that uses the variables to generate the page layout.

The result of this separation between page architecture and layout are extremely flexible and customizable themes.

Welcome to Hippo!

(1) Design Choices
