
dispute Dart 45 9 1 GPL-3.0

A cross-platform client for Nostr

Created At: 2022-12-29 Last Commit: 2023-12-28

nostr nostr-protocol

linktr-nostr Svelte 38 4 7 GPL-3.0

A Nostr-based application to create, manage and discover link lists, show notes and other stuff.

Created At: 2023-07-11 Last Commit: 2024-08-05

ndk nostr nostr-protocol svelte

nostribe-web-client TypeScript 35 9 2 MIT

Nostribe is an open-source web client for the decentralized and censorship-resistant Nostr protocol. It provides a social media platform for Nostribians to communicate freely and securely. Its mission is to foster a transparent tribe where everyone has an equal voice and a sense of belonging.

Created At: 2023-03-12 Last Commit: 2023-07-28

censorship-resistance client decentralized nostr nostr-client nostr-protocol

MeShell_Nodejs HTML 7 1

Nostr client for research publication

Created At: 2023-02-09 Last Commit: 2024-05-27

nodejs nostr nostr-client nostr-protocol twitter

nostracker JavaScript 6 2 MIT

A website dedicated to collecting information from the nostr network

Created At: 2024-08-29 Last Commit: 2024-10-05

awesome awesome-list awesome-lists homepage nostr nostr-client nostr-protocol nostr-relay website

nostr-book Shell 4 3 Unlicense

NIPs compiled into a book

Created At: 2024-05-09 Last Commit: 2024-10-19

nips nostr nostr-client nostr-protocol nostr-relay

nostr-hooks TypeScript 53 10 2 MIT

React hooks for developing Nostr clients. It's simple yet intelligent.

Created At: 2023-04-18 Last Commit: 2024-09-14

censorship-resistance client decentralized hooks nostr nostr-client nostr-protocol react react-hooks

nostr-ruby Ruby 47 7 2 MIT

A ruby library to interact with the Nostr Protocol

Created At: 2022-12-18 Last Commit: 2024-09-14

nostr nostr-protocol ruby

nostrdvm Python 36 14 MIT

Framework to run NIP90 Nostr DVMs

Created At: 2023-11-17 Last Commit: 2024-10-19

ai data-vending-matchine nostr nostr-bot nostr-protocol

rsslay Go 42 12 8 Unlicense

A Nostr relay that creates profiles from RSS or Atom feeds and emits items as Nostr events

Created At: 2023-01-12 Last Commit: 2023-12-15

nostr nostr-protocol nostr-relay rss rss-feed-scraper

smtp-nostr-gateway JavaScript 39 3 1 MIT

SMTP to Nostr NIP-04 Gateway

Created At: 2022-09-04 Last Commit: 2024-06-19

nostr nostr-protocol nostr-tools

nostrss Rust 28 2 11 MIT

Stream rss feeds onto nostr protocol

Created At: 2023-03-01 Last Commit: 2024-10-02

nostr nostr-protocol rss rss-feed-parser

lightning-browser-extension TypeScript 535 193 241 MIT

The Bitcoin Lightning Browser Extension that brings deep Lightning & Nostr integration to the web. Wallet interface to multiple lightning nodes and key signer for Nostr, Liquid and onchain use.

Created At: 2020-12-27 Last Commit: 2024-10-18

bitcoin browser-extension chrome-extension firefox-extension lightning lightning-network lnurl nostr nostr-protocol nostr-tools wallet webln

nostcat Rust 97 11 2 MIT

Websocket client for nostr relay scripting

Created At: 2022-11-16 Last Commit: 2023-11-24

cli nostr nostr-protocol rust websocat websocket

spamster Shell 31 2 12

🤖 Spam tools for NOSTR protocol 🤖 Spamster is a bash toolbox made for nostr spamming. Spamster is for testing relays and spam filters.

Created At: 2023-01-09 Last Commit: 2023-05-17

bash bot keygen nip05 noscl nostr nostr-bot nostr-protocol nostr-spam nostr-stress-test nostr-tools nostril shell spam tor

nostreq Rust 29 3 MIT

Nostr relay event request generator

Created At: 2022-12-04 Last Commit: 2023-05-19

cli nostr nostr-protocol rust

nostro Go 23 2 NOASSERTION

Nostr Osint Tool 🔎 𓅦

Created At: 2023-10-05 Last Commit: 2023-12-11

golang nostr nostr-protocol nostr-tools osint osint-tool

nostr-vanity-address-generator Rust 21 3 1 Apache-2.0

Fast Nostr Vanity Address Generator (Windows, Linux and macOS)

Created At: 2023-02-08 Last Commit: 2024-09-08

nostr nostr-protocol proof-of-work rust vanity vanity-address

glasnostr Go 21 2 2 MIT

Mine a vanity prefix for your Nostr npub

Created At: 2022-12-27 Last Commit: 2023-06-04

nostr nostr-protocol

nostr-ruby-playground Ruby 19 1 GPL-3.0

A ruby playground to learn the Nostr protocol

Created At: 2022-11-11 Last Commit: 2022-12-18

nostr nostr-protocol ruby

http-nostr-publisher JavaScript 16 2 3

A Cloudflare worker to publish Nostr events to relays through a non-blocking HTTP interface

Created At: 2023-02-21 Last Commit: 2023-05-16

cloudflare cloudflare-workers http nostr nostr-protocol

nostr_keygen Python 2 MIT

Probably the easiest way to locally generate Nostr keys. So much punk cybers in this Python script. 💻☕

Created At: 2023-11-13 Last Commit: 2023-11-15

cyberpunk nostr nostr-protocol python python3