
bostr JavaScript 92 13 BSD-3-Clause

A nostr relay bouncer

Created At: 2023-10-29 Last Commit: 2024-08-29

bouncer multiplexer nostr proxy

multiplextr JavaScript 22 1 MIT

A dynamic relay proxy for nostr

Created At: 2023-03-29 Last Commit: 2023-12-13

nostr proxy relay

bostr2 Go 11 1 BSD-3-Clause

bostr next generation

Created At: 2024-06-18 Last Commit: 2024-08-29

aggregator bouncer nostr proxy

blastr Rust 146 14 MIT

A nostr cloudflare workers proxy relay that publishes to all known relays

Created At: 2023-02-18 Last Commit: 2024-01-26

cloudflare nostr proxy relay rust wasm

NostrNIP36ImageRedirector Python 5 1 MIT

Reverse proxy server which blocks accesses to NIP-36 marked image files from NOT NIP-36 compliant clients

Created At: 2023-07-17 Last Commit: 2023-08-26

flask microblog nip-36 nostr proxy python sns