Usage as a low-level library

To build all the wrappers for the TODO application, we use this package as a low-level library.

import tint from ''

Here is the source code for each of the wrappers:

If you want to create a wrapper for a framework that is not on this list or if you want to improve any of the wrappers we've created here, you'll need use tint as described in this section.

If you created something interesting, or a wrapper for another framework or improved any example. Submit a pull request or open an issue with your code.

tint(h, text) -> compile

Returns a compile function based on your hyperscript DOM/vDOM choice.

  • h(tagName, attributes, children): a required hyperscript function that create a DOM or virtual DOM element.
  • text(str): a hyperscript function that create DOM or vDOM text nodes. If no text function is passed, it will use h(str).

compile(element, template?, document?) -> render

Returns the view associated with element.

Optionally, you can use a template element to replace the element's inner HTML with your own contents.

  • element: The element that will be the root of the result. If you don't pass a template, it will be treated as a complete template. In case you provide a template it will only be used as the root of the result, ignoring its content.
  • template: The optional template element you want to render inside .
  • document: Useful when tint is used in deno, you must pass the parsed document, inside the browser just ignore it.

render(scope) -> DOM/vDOM element

Returns the DOM/vDOM generated by applying the scope in the view

  • scope: The data passed to interpolate the element, any JSON data even with javascript functions is valid!